Accessible home remodeling, also known as aging-in-place remodeling, is a specialized approach to home modifications that enhances the safety, accessibility, and comfort of homes for individuals with physical limitations due to aging or disabilities. This process is crucial as it enables individuals to maintain their independence and continue living in their homes, rather than relocating to assisted living facilities or nursing homes.
At Live in Place Designs, we adopt a design-first strategy, crafting solutions for each client. We engage closely with our clients to comprehend their unique needs and concerns, devise an insightful design plan, and select top-tier accessible fixtures and appliances and home automation necessary for their remodel.
A significant number of homes in the US, constructed between the 1980s and 2000, were not designed with an aging population in mind. This presents a unique challenge when modifying them for accessibility. However, our team of remodeling contractors, skilled in accessibility and disability modifications, adopts a design-first approach to customize each modification to the specific needs and preferences of the individual, ensuring their safety and comfort.
Our team of remodeling contractors collaborates with us to understand the nuances of the design plan and the installation of the accessible products we specify, ensuring that modifications are executed flawlessly. With our design-first approach, we can make each home more comfortable and accessible for individuals with disabilities, regardless of the home’s layout or features.